Featured Shop: Burning Moon

I am very happy to feature this great shop on my blog: Burning Moon http://BurningMoon.etsy.com! Thank you very much, Swan, for taking the time to answer a few questions about your Etsy business!
Q. How did you hear about Etsy?
A. I heard about it through myspace form another girl who sells clothing. She noticed I made my own hair clips & decided to let me know about how great Etsy is.
Q. What made you decide to sell on Etsy?
A. A lot of my friends & family members love the things that I create & have always told me I could sell them & people would buy my stuff so i decided to give it a shot & it is working out for the best.
Q. How did you originally get into handmade business?
A. I have been crafting things since I was a child, I always thought it meant more to make a home made gift then to give a store bought item so I started when I was about six making Christmas ornaments for family.
Q. Which materials do you use to create your jewelry, hair accessories and other items?
A. I use pretty much everything, beads, ribbon, bottle caps, scrabble tiles, stickers, magazines, fabric, felt, animal stuffing, buttons & more almost everything & anything.
Q. What motivates and inspires you to create?
A. My daughter inspires me to create most of what I make today I usually end up making a double of half the things I make so she can have a set too.
Q. What is your best advice for new Etsy sellers?
A. Promotion is key, remember to open your network have multiple sites, make sure to add your city, state & country to your profile, use a banner & avatar that relate to your shop.
Thank you very much, Swan.
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