Featured Shop: August Eve

Thank you very much Seth for taking the time to answer a few questions about your etsy business: August Eve. I am very happy and honored to feature your shop!

Q. How did you hear about Etsy?
A. I first learned about Etsy by reading an article in the newspaper about Emily Martin (theblackapple). I think she is the biggest seller on Etsy, and she had a lot of really great things to say about it.

What made you decide to sell on Etsy?
A. It was mostly curiosity I think. At first I just posted a couple chalk drawings that I had done from a model. I messed around with Etsy for a week or so, then went back to painting murals and forgot about it. It wasn’t until more than a year later that I lost my side job managing a bookstore, and decided that I would throw myself into Etsy. And I’m so glad that I did.

Q. How did you originally get into Fine Arts?
A. My Mom is an artist. And so is her mother, so I suppose I take after the women in my family (even though I’m a man).

Q. What motivates and inspires you to create?
A. I have two little girls, and I would have to say that they have a lot of influence over what I do. The female characters in my shop are based on them.

Q. What makes your art so unique?
A. I think everyone’s art is unique. Even if you are copying a piece of art, something will always leak out fingers that identifies you.

Q. What is your best advice for new Etsy sellers?
A. I think it is a good idea to list new items often, and be sure to advertise your shop outside of Etsy. But mainly, keep your nose down and keep working on what you do. No one else can do it just like you, so challenge yourself to get better daily. You will never regret it!

Thank you very much, Seth.


  1. Your paintings are what keeps me hooked to your site. After yet another troublesome day of realizing my condition and placing antidepressant orders at http://www.buytramadol.ca, I came over to see your works again and my apirits were lifted automatically. In my opinion, what sets your style apart is how you injected the impression of childlike whimsy and innocence with the intensity and passion of a natural born creative soul like yours.


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