Where to get interior stock images to display your artwork?

I have been asked many times where do I get interior settings images to display my art. I would like to share this information with you. I have been looking for my images for a long time and decided that there is one place that has a pretty good quality stock images at a very reasonable prices. This place is istockphoto.com.

I have no relationship or affiliation with this site. My client recommended this website when I was working on her graphic design project.

You can purchase different size stock images at a variety of different prices depending on your creative needs. You can buy credits and use them for your purchases. Or you can have a one year subscription plan. One thing to remember is that your credits will expire after one year if not used. I had this problem myself. I lost some of my credits last year.

istockphoto offers photos, illustrations, flash, video and audio files.

If you don’t want to buy stock images, there are many websites that offer FREE stock images as well. Just do the google search.

I hope this information is helpful ☺



  1. i think fotolia.com is more affordable

  2. Thanks so much! I have always wondered where to get these and I didn't even know what they were called to look it up! Thanks a ton. This will come in handy with my first order of prints coming in soon!

  3. Good to know - I'm gonna go google it here in a few minutes to see whats out there for free. And uhh....WOW - your work is AMAZING, Helen!!!


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